Monday, February 27, 2012

Getting started

e-Skilling the SES is a blended learning program designed and developed in partnership between the NSW State Emergency Service and Kiama Community College. Our aim is to train 10 professional educators to design and develop e-learning in both synchronous and asynchronous environments. Together we will produce a blended learning induction program for the SES as part of the learning process.

The program is funded by the Higher Education Pathways Project, a part of the National VET E-learning Strategy.

The first part of any project is always challenging in my experience!

Young, the Project Manager, and NSW State Emergency Service Learning and Development Consultant, is busy recruiting participants and formalising the partnership with Kiama Community College.

Tara Me
ehan, Kiama Community College VET Manager, is working on the variation to scope.

Ann Brady and Marina Chadiloff have started work on the design of our program - 5 units of competency from the Diploma in Training Design and Development (TAE50211).

TAEDEL503A Develop e-learning resources
TAEDEL501A Facilitate e-learning
TAEASS503A Lead assessment validation processes
TAEPDD501A Maintain and enhance professional practice
TAEDES505A Evaluate a training program.

We are teaching people to design e-learning resources for use in a blended learning program - so our program is delivered using a combination of asynchronous online learning, live webinars, face to face training and work-based tasks.

Our tools of choice are:
  • Moodle learning management system
    - for asynchronous communication and learning and assessment activities, and
    - a place for learners to develop e-learning activities which, collectively, will become the online component of the SES Induction program.

    Learners will also be encouraged to use audio, video, ARED, Jing and other appropriate software to develop their e-learning activities.

  • Blackboard Collaborate for the live webinars. Participants will be asked to design and develop a short learning experience in Blackboard Collaborate.
Alongside this we will be asking people to consider their ongoing professional development and towards the end of the program we will validate our assessment tasks and processes.

So far, we have developed a course outline for the 5 units, the assessment tools and the first phase of the online activities are ready to go. A workbook for the face to face training is in progress as are the remaining online activities...

Our start date is 19th March - so right now it's all stations go!!