It's been a helter-skelter time with everyone working hard and somehow managing to fit in the extra workload required to successfully complete this program.
So far we have completed the first part of the program. Participants were asked to consult with their learners (each other), then design and deliver a short webinar, and finally reflect upon their experiences. The learning was delivered using a combination of Moodle activities and live webinars. The reflections are coming through nicely and make interesting reading. When they are all submitted I will summarise and post to the blog.
Alongside the webinars participants have been working on their professional practice tasks. Part 1 involved identifying challenges which have been faced in their current training and assessment practice. Part 2, the current task, asks each participant to reflect on and analyse the information gathered and identify areas for improvement.
This project has reminded me of the importance of our choice of language when designing learning. The first task to be undertaken in the project was to write the L&A strategy and the assessment tasks for a variation to scope - so I was writing for the auditor. When I began to develop the Moodle activities for our learners I transferred some of what I had written in these documents to the site. The consequences were predictable - nobody knew what to do! Whoops!
3 webinars and several phone calls later we got there!
In spite of these issues the webinars delivered by participants were well constructed, and between the group, they made good use of all the interactive whiteboard tools. They were the longest and noisiest webinars I have ever been involved in. There is a fantastic positive energy about this group who engage well with each and are simply ready to have a go.
Our next phase is to design and develop a blended learning induction program for the SES. Each member of the group has been allocated one section of the program. Currently the group are identifying learners who will pilot the induction program which we intend to do during the week beginning the 20th May. They are also exploring resources they might use for their section and evaluating an existing induction program from the Royal Fire Service.
I'm looking forward to meeting everyone at the end of April for our e-learning design and Moodle training weekend. Will let you know what happens next!
These inital activites were great, They helped me become comfortable with the webinare tools. I have liked the reflection on professional practice too, it has helped identify the key areas which I need development in, to improve myself as an Instructional Designer. These main areas being in Training and assessment within the VET sector